As a DEKA Affiliate, We Want to Share What You Need to Know About DEKA

HomeBlogAs a DEKA Affiliate, We Want to Share What You Need to Know About DEKA

At Vickery’s Sweat Shop, we’re proud to be a DEKA affiliate and want to tell you all about what exactly DEKA is. The Decathlon of Functional Fitness (DEKA) is a well-rounded functional test for all fitness levels. There are 10 different DEKA zones, which are movements that don’t require any specialized education or training to complete.

As a DEKA affiliate, we regularly host DEKA events throughout the year. When you attend a DEKA event, you will complete the 10 DEKA zones in the same order. And when you complete all 10 zones, you’ll earn an official DEKA Mark. You can earn your Mark at one of three core DEKA events, which include:

  • DEKA Strong—This event features the 10 DEKA zones with no running.
  • DEKA Mile—At this DEKA event, you complete the 10 DEKA zones and then follow them with 160 meters of running for one mile total.
  • DEKA Fit—During DEKA Fit events, you complete the 10 DEKA zones and follow them with 500 meters of running for a total equal to a 5K.

You can compete in DEKA Strong, Mile, and Fit events either as an individual or with another person. If you complete all three events in one calendar year, you’ll receive the coveted DEKA Trifecta. And with every new DEKA Mark you earn, it’ll be sent to the DEKA Global Leaderboard, giving you a chance to earn a spot at the DEKA World Championships.

Are you ready to earn your DEKA Marks? Here are the steps you need to take:

  • Step 1: Go to the gym finder on and find your nearest DEKA affiliate.
  • Step 2: Sign up for a DEKA event near you.
  • Step 3: Find your starting line, cross that finish line, and earn your mark.

If you are in the Livingston, Texas area, we would love to help you and look forward to celebrating your fitness with you. Contact our gym today and sign up for the next DEKA event we’re hosting as a DEKA affiliate.