The Importance of Hydration: Nutritionist-Approved Tips & Strategies for Staying Hydrated

HomeBlogThe Importance of Hydration: Nutritionist-Approved Tips & Strategies for Staying Hydrated

Staying well-hydrated is important for your overall health, and it becomes especially important to be mindful of your water intake and output when you’re hitting the gym. If you’re struggling to balance hydration with your workouts or simply want some tips on how to avoid dehydration, seeking the guidance of a nutritionist can help.

The Importance of Hydration: Nutritionist-Approved Tips & Strategies for Staying Hydrated

Most people think of nutritionists as dealing with food only, but as we know, hydration is a key factor in your health and wellness, making it well within the realm of their expertise. Let’s delve into the role hydration plays in your workout and health goals.

Why Hydration Matters

  1. Enhances Physical Performance – Even a mild case of dehydration can cause decreased performance, fatigue, and increased perceived effort during workouts. Your hydration level directly impacts your performance, helping you maintain endurance and strength.
  1. Recovery Support – Staying hydrated helps reduce muscle soreness and promotes efficient recovery because water plays a huge role in your body’s nutrient transport system.
  1. Aids Digestion – Water plays a big role in food breakdown and absorption, so your digestive system can get sluggish and out-of-wack when you’re dehydrated.
  1. Boosts Energy – Lethargy and fatigue are common symptoms of dehydration. Drinking plenty of water and fluids helps you maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day.

How Much Water Do You Actually Need?

The exact amount will vary depending on factors like your activity levels, climate, and personal health, so talking with your nutritionist can help you set a reasonable and healthy water goal. Two common general guidelines are to aim for 8-10 cups (about 64-80 ounces total) per day, or to drink half your body weight in ounces.

Nutritionist-Approved Hydration Tips

  1. Drink before you feel thirsty, but don’t force yourself to drink an excessive amount of water just to meet a particular intake goal.
  1. Set reminders for yourself throughout the day to drink water, which will help maintain consistent hydration, rather than chugging large quantities.
  1. Carry a reusable water bottle.
  1. Include water-rich foods like cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, and lettuce in your meals and snacks.
  1. Flavor water with add-ins like fresh herbs, citrus slices, cucumber, or other fruits for a bit of variety.